TrailBlazers Podcast Season 1
Ep. 2 - "I Will Survive and Hold My Head High!"
Co-host and TBI founder, Nan McKay, shares her-story: where it all started in a little town in Illinois when her father was killed (Click on Read More button)
Ep. 3 - DeeDee Strum: The Whole World is a Stage and Everyone Plays a Part
DeeDee shares the benefits of life as a military dependent during the times when her counterparts were disadvantaged by segregated housing, segregated schools and denied the opportunity for equal access to public amenities such as libraries and swimming pools....(Click on Read More)
Ep. 4 - Shaune Arnold: I Divorced my Parents at Age 14
Shaune describes her emotional escape from an abusive household into the foster care system. From parental...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 5 - Dr. Iris Ann Cooper: Haters Serve an Important Lesson for Achievers
Being the "first and only" created childhood isolation and periods of self-doubt, but in the end, worked to underscore the old adage: "what don't kill you only makes you strong" Iris went on to achieve multiple successes as a serial entrepreneur and gaining national recognition . .(Click on Read More)
Ep. 6 - Beth Cole: "Segregation Now, Tomorrow and Forever!?" Hell, No!
Beth Cole's history of activism and social change dates back to the presidential campaigns ...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 7 - Singleton B. McAllister: I Found a Way to Make the Law!
As a child of the segregated south and daughter of the first black state's attorney in Maryland, Singleton shares the varied influences of parents, mentors and elected officials on her career trajectory and commitment to domestic and global social change. (Click on Read More)
Ep. 8 - Mindy Bortness: As You Spend Your Days Is How You Spend Your Life!
Mindy Bortness powered through her own fears when fighting breast cancer to come out on the other side as an...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 9 - Faye Williams: My Contributions to 65+ Years of Social Change
We All Stand on the Shoulders of Fay H. Williams (and her "comrades-in-arms"): Family Law Attorney, Civil Rights Activist and Feminist! At age 87 she is still going strong with 65+ years of activism to her credit. Attorney Williams paved the way for women to enter political office as the chair, ...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 10 - Beverly Kuykenall: Win Over Hearts and Minds
Beverly shares her journey to marry-up humanitarian interests with business motivation she provides... (Click on Read More)
Ep. 11-Carolyn Hayden: I Realized My Work Could Have a Social Impact
Carolyn Hayden shares her entrepreneurial history as a a regional contractor for American Express before Visa was VISA; on becoming one of the nation's first black female owned and managed Ford dealerships; and launching an international management consulting firm ...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 12 - Denise Muha: Always Tell The Truth on the Hill: Capital Hill, that is.
Be it Capitol Hill, the state capital or the chamber of your local city council, Denise...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 13-Carolyn May: "This is the Time the Torch is Passed to a New Generation" - President John F. Kennedy
A young, animated, Carolyn May worked on Capitol Hill during that period of American history subsequently dubbed "the Camelot years": that period etched in America's memory as the magical era of the "Kennedy years", and in the public's memory as an era ....(Click on Read More)
Ep. 14- Monica Sussman: You Can't Do it All!
Monica recounts the struggle for acceptance as a female attorney and then as a pregnant...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 15-Teresa Harris "What?! Women Can Do That?"
From a childhood of segregation, low-expectations of girls and women and the battle to define her sexuality, Teresa Ann Harris, shares her journey from military service, to homelessness, addiction and recovery with college graduation at age 40 followed by a stellar civil service career with ...(Click on Read More)
Ep.16-Lyn Burton: Live with Integrity and Joy!
Lyn Burton shares her journey from professionally accomplished to spiritually fulfilled. (Click on Read More)
Ep. 17-Cathy Gibson: I learned the rules to know how best to break the rules ("forgiveness" beats permission!)
Cathy Gibson left east Texas at age 18 to enter a Virginia girls college in the early 1960s as an "outspoken bigot" and graduated a Big 10 University four years later with a degree in Urban Education committed to increasing the literacy rates of inner city youth, and ...(Click on Read More)
Ep.18-Desiree Doubrox: Don't Let Anyone Dim Your Light
Defining and executing "My" business...(Click on Read More)
Ep. 19-Frances Johnson: Against the Odds: Business, Divorce, and Death
With 30 years of franchise ownership, Frances now looks in her rearview mirror to reflect on how much she didn't know when she took on the purchase of a franchise form of business with it's deep trove of do's & dont's. She credits her father, who owned and operated a half dozen businesses having achieved ...(Click on Read More)
Episode 20 Parts 1 and 2: Cath McBreen: Overcoming Dyslexia to Become an IVF Nursing Specialist and Matching as a Gestational Carrier
Cath achieved her...(Click on Read More)
BONUS Ep - Parts 1 and 2" George Dapra: Love in the Old Country and The War Against Organized Crime
In this compelling human event story...(Click on Read More)