By Susan Fielder
The loss of a loved one is huge. The passing of my husband, Don Mears, was from a horrific disease Pancreatic Cancer. His loss was felt by many and continues daily. The gain was an inner strength to try and make a difference for others by helping fund researchers who I met throughout his illness. They need our help. Out of this sadness, I starting creating art on the iPad and decided to name iPLAID in honor of Steve Jobs who created a new awarenesss of pancreatic cancer. We all know the impact Steve Jobs made in this world and because of pancreatic cancer, he is no longer here. The idea of producing more images for those who passed because of this disease turned into a full-fledged concept called iPLAID.

Losing my husband Dan Mears to this disease gave me hope by using my artistic and professional background to develop inspiring art, promotional ideas, social media and more to honor those who have lost their lives to pancreatic cancer. They will be part of the benefits provided to those who join the battle against this horrific disease.
The intuitive passion is derived from my grieving process in the loss of my husband and the emerging creative energy that has helped me heal - the launching of an inner discovery. It is through this art that the overall strategy was born, meaningful art coupled with a program to help fund research in finding a cure for pancreatic cancer.