Ep. 4 - Shaune Arnold describes her emotional escape from an abusive household into the foster care system when she divorced her parents at age 14. From parental abandonment to foster care with sheer determination and grit, Attorney Shaune Arnold shares her journey from the darkest valley to the sun-filled mountain top where she emerged prepared to help navigate the legal labyrinth on behalf of other abandoned or battered children and earning a multitude of other academic and professional certifications. Shaune Arnold is a practicing ACASA which means a court-appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children. She helps understand abused and neglected kids and represents them in court as who they are. She volunteers to represent children because she was an abused and neglected child herself who lacked a good advocate to represent her interest in court. In Part 2 in Epiode 104 BONUS, Shaune Arnold describes her extraterrestial encounters which resulted in her taking and passing the Mensa test. Mensa is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. It is a non-profit organization open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test. These episodes will keep you spellbound!
Top Takeaways:
- Learning to prepare your foundation for life's adversities by having meaningful conversations and feeding yourself with positivity
- Always remember that people are watching you and are setting their bar with you
- The process of helping abused and abandoned children to know love and understanding
- Why parents are not always what children need- children need safety and happiness
- How to be your own best friend by choosing happiness, loving yourself, and not overlooking your shortcomings
Listen to a true, horrifying story from Shaune Arnold, an attorney who lived through repeated abuse, from her father pulling her up the stairs by the hair, to foster home abuse by other girls.
"Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road."
-Shaune Arnold
Shaune B. Arnold, Esq. is a practicing transaction attorney and partner with Finney Arnold LLP in downtown Los Angeles, California. A graduate of UCLA, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, and of the University of California Hastings College of the Law, Shaune brings to the table more than 15 years of experience providing General Counsel advice to start-up, emerging growth and traditional businesses of widely varying industries to help them meet their expansion needs. She was also a licensed Financial Advisor (formerly holding Series 7, Series 63, Series 65 and California Insurance licenses) and CEO of Les Brown Enterprises.
Hear her extraterrestial experience and her Mensa revelation in Part 2!
Key Moments
Shaune narrates the story of how and why she divorced her parents at age 14 and how that impacted her to become a court-appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children [1:35]
The lessons that Shaune learned through her experience of leaving her parents [19:37]
She describes why she had a great experience in foster care when it's not always the case [24:34]
Shaune narrates the series of bad things that happened to her in a roach-infested foster home after her parent's abandonment [25:55]
How she went to live with her grandparents in California while attending UCLA and later law school in San Francisco [41:19]
How she decided to let go of the anger she had harbored for a long time after what she had gone through [45:17]
Shaune describes the meaning of ACASA and what she does in that role [54:27]
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