Awaken a Positive Entrepreneurial Spirit
Have you been thinking about starting a business? Here’s a 6 step discovery formula to help you make the decision whether entrepreneurship is the right direction for you.
Module 1. What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?
We have asked ourselves this question many times and the answer is different at different periods of your life. Discover why this is a perfectly legitimate question for women to ask today in their 50’s and 60’s. This module begins to help you find your answer for this point in your life.
Module 2. What Do I Want Out of Life?
Instead of thinking about what you DON’T want out of life, learn to embrace positivity to find out what you DO want out of life.
Module 3. Am I Running Away from Something or Towards Something?
We all have those feelings of wanting to give it all up and start over. Find the real reason for the direction you are thinking about.
Module 4. Am I Cut Out for Entrepreneurship?
Good question. It’s not for everyone. We provide two quizzes for self-evaluation. Explore the difference between a lifestyle and a traditional entrepreneurial to decide which one is better for you.
Module 5. How Do I Monetize My Skills?
This module provides four ways you can monetize your skills to quickly start a lifestyle online business.
Module 6. How Do I Develop a Plan of Action?
If you have come to the conclusion that entrepreneurship is right for you, you can now do your goal setting to actually start to achieve the outcome you want – becoming an entrepreneur!
Registration begins June 1 for our new course Choose Your Dream Lifestyle Business for Women over 50!
Here's your link: Choose Your Dream Lifestyle Business for Women 50+ | Nan McKay (nanmckayconnects.com)